Behavior Patterns of Kickstarter Funders

This is a precursor to a post I’m writing on how to figure out the true cost of a Kickstarter Project (using my recently posted project as an experiment). I was curious to see what funding levels got the most response, so I’d know which area to put the...

My Kickstarter Experience: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

It’s four days before the deadline for my Kickstarter project reaches its end. I’m only about a third of the way to my $9000 goal – a seemingly impossible feat. A few hours later the goal is reached! So sudden? Anti-climactic? I know. Now I wish I...

How to Figure the True Cost of a Kickstarter Project

Focus of Project The first big question is do I got for all the money I actually need (to film, edit, and send to festivals) or focus the project on one specific event, and take it one step at a time, with future projects for different stages of the production. … Well, if you were 100% honest and your project budget is the bare minimum you need to complete it, then where is that couple of hundred dollars supposed to come from?